The UK Revokes its Licences for Pigeon and Crow Shooting
Pest bird shooting has been a staple and necessary act of rural lifestyle in England for as long as we can remember. It’s been carried out by millions of farmers, landowners and conservation enthusiasts for a very, very long time and without an...
6 photos

Category Accessories
Subcategory Moderators
Condition New
Make Air Force One
Model Get Shorty "Junior"
AirForceOne Get Shorty "Junior" Sound Moderators.
Less than 70 Decibels
Rust proof
Scratch resistant
Matte Black Hard Anodised Aluminium construction
Overall length 120mm 4. 7”
Weight 79 ...
3 years ago
West Midlands
£ 43
9 photos

Category Accessories
Subcategory Moderators
Condition -
Model Tanto .177/.22
I purchased this about a month ago to use on my air rifle however due to a change in employment I haven't been able to get enough time to get out there and use them. This has been used twice ...
4 months ago
£ 70