Antiques & Militaria for Sale in East Sussex

5 results
Without adding all the technical extras, your firearm is only at half capacity. You’re still going to have a great experience, but you won’t realise the full potential of your gun until it’s been kitted out to the maximum. We’ve got over 4000 individual accessories for you to look through - ammunition, clothing, sights, scopes, lamps, silencers etc. - which gives you an incredible number of ways to improve your accuracy, increase your stealthiness, or just stock up on supplies. This is the most diverse collection of ads on our site, so don’t forget to use those filters!
The biggest two-day country show in the UK is just two weeks away!

The biggest two-day country show in the UK is just two weeks away!

The Royal Norfolk Show returns for another edition on the 27th and 28th June, with an unbelievable amount of entertainment and activity to keep you occupied and leave you exhausted over both days. If you’re new to the show or just need a remind...
3 photos
Tranter  Antique/Vintages Accessories
Category Accessories
Subcategory Antique/Vintages Accessories
Condition Used
Make Tranter
Model -
A mahogany Tranter box for a. 22 revolver including cleaning rod. 7 inches in length.
7 years ago
Brighton, East Sussex, South East
£ 145
2 photos
Inert Lee Enfield .303 Rnds in MKIV Stripper Clip or Charger. Set of Five fired cartridges with re-fitted genuine Unfired FMJ Projectiles. Antiques & Militaria
Category Accessories
Subcategory Antiques & Militaria
Condition -
Make Inert Lee Enfield .303 Rnds in MKIV Stripper Clip or Charger.
Model Set of Five fired cartridges with re-fitted genuine Unfired FMJ Projectiles.
Genuine fired. 303 cartridges with a nice unpolished patina - as used with the WW2 Short Magazine Lee Enfield Rifle. These clips of five were inserted in the rear of the open breech, and loaded ...
3 weeks ago
£ 10
4 photos
Unknown pen knife Folding Antiques & Militaria
Category Accessories
Subcategory Antiques & Militaria
Condition -
Make Unknown pen knife
Model Folding
5 folding pen knifes for sale £5 each All 5 £25 Believed to be Asian origin Lovely well made design Brass with gold tone blade Rosewood handle
3 weeks ago
£ 25
6 photos
WW2 20mm Anti Aircraft Antiques & Militaria
Category Accessories
Subcategory Antiques & Militaria
Condition -
Make WW2 20mm
Model Anti Aircraft
2x deactivated ww2 shells Anti Aircraft 20mm and. 50 AA 1942
3 weeks ago
£ 50
2 photos
2mm cap pistol  Antiques & Militaria
Category Accessories
Subcategory Antiques & Militaria
Condition -
Make 2mm cap pistol
Model -
Berloque 2mm pinfire pistol Austria They are silver plated brass has a rabbit and deer on other side Unfortunately no caps inc Very good condition Makers sign in this item
2 months ago
£ 100
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