This a WW2 German 20mm FFM (20x82) HEI (High Explosive Incendiary) Meinengeschloss (M geschloss) aircraft cannon round fitted to various German aircraft during WW2, including the Me109, FW190,various night fighters and bomber aircraft. The brass cartridge case is percussion primed and is headstamped 42 53 d eek (Waffenampt)15 .The projectile is a copper driving banded high explosive incendiary with a nose fuse stamped AZ1505 eeo 960 42 and a waffenampt. The projectile retains approximately 85% or the original yellow paint and green(70%) incendiary band. It has the following black stencilling on the side M irop over edq 3a 42 and (Waffenampt) E6. There is a further stencilled long rectangular box with unreadable stencilling in it ending with a waffenampt. Both projectile and cartridge case have no cracks in the necks. Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 926