In 1902 Experimental Long and Short bayonets were trialed to succeed the 1888 pattern Bayonets. After the trial period it was decided that, when fixed to rifles, the Short version affected accuracy of fire less than the Longer heavy version. The short bladed version was approved and introduced as the '1903 Pattern' sword bayonet. This is an excellent example of the 1903 pattern Bayonet. It has a 12 inch clean, fullered, double edged, blade with medial ridge. The ricasso is crisply stamped with Crown ER (Edward Regina), '1903' pattern and inspection marks. It is also stamped by the rarer maker 'Sanderson Sheffield'.The pommel is Regiment marked 'RF' to the Royal Fusiliers. It's wood grips are in excellent condition. The bayonet is complete with it's black leather land pattern scabbard with internal chape and integeral frog. All leather is and stitching are intact. Price includes UK delivery. Sn 8733