INERT DEACTIVATED. This is an inert 1938 dated original service pack (15 rounds in stripper clips) of German WW2 7.92x57 Ball ammunition. This box contains 15 rounds of brass cased German "Patronen s.S." stands for Patronen Schweres Spitzgeschoss or a cartridge with a heavy pointed bullet ,198gr , FMJ and are headstamped S star 11 P207 (Metallwerk Odertal GmbH, Odertal (Post Lautaberg/Harz.) (bne) ) 38 (1938 date). The bullets have a copper jacket. The stripper clips are of brass. The buff cardboard packet has a white paper identification label with Patronnen s.S. Lieferung uvbekannt Vollwertig translates to ‘delivery unknown complete’ which means repackaged service rounds fit for service. The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. O 1191