An excellent WW2 Italian Fascist MVSN 2nd Pattern Trench/ Fighting Dagger & Scabbard. ( see page 76 of Fighting Knives By Stephens). These daggers were made to the designs of the new fascist party specification and they were intended to serve both as a dress dagger & combat weapon. Many of these daggers were carried by 'Blackshirts' conscripted during WW2 and subsequently became War Trophies. The dagger with clean 8 1/4" blade fitted with original leather washer has wood grips secured by 2 rivets. The grips are undamaged and have finger grooves. One grip has the initials 'CA' contemporaneously hand carved into the wood. It has a curved steel pommel and swept cross guard. The dagger is complete with steel scabbard with embossed Fasces Device & MVSN party Lettering. The scabbard has no denting and the rear has steel belt bar. price includes UK delivery. ED 2318