Loading kits from £199.00 made up for what you require
All you need to get started.
All the info that you need.
Demonstrations given and on going advice when you purchase your kit from Barbican Armoury.
Powders, primers, Cases, Bullets, wads, and loading tools kept in stock.
Heny Krank Black Powder (in stock)
Barbican Armoury. Brancepeth Castle. Durham. DH7 8DE.
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Training in firearms safety, some categories of section(5) sections (1) and (2)
Section 7(3) facilities available.
Vintage, military and sporting rifles specialist.
Loading components powders, bullets, cases and primers.
Open for sales: 10.30 to 8pm Thursday and Friday
10.30 to 6pm Saturday
Barbican Shooting Club open:
Thursday. Friday & Saturday all day.
NRA. MLAGB. BAsc & CPSA. Member.