This is an inert unfired Russian 76.2mm (76.2 x 385R) Arrowhead APCR (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid) round used in WW2 in early T 34/76 tanks. The round was also used in the following Russian guns; the 76mm divisional field gun M1942 (ZiS3), 76mm mountain gun GP (M1966), D-56T tank gun (PT-76 light amphibious tank), NORINCO 76mm field gun type 54. This was a successful projectile used in the anti-tank role first used in WW2. This type of construction, APCR (Armour Piercing Composite Rigid) was a tungsten core in a waisted steel projectile with a pressed steel ballistic cap on top of the projectile. This unfired round consists of a copper driving banded steel projectile with a pressed steel ballistic cap on top, retaining much of its original green paint. The projectile is stamped 3 EB 99 7694 . The brass cartridge case retains most of its original black stenciling Hk 76 K-42 Vo=465m/v Dg dp 0,8/3-10,5- nma29/44-H/60+Sn Pb . The cartridge case is headstamped 8 E4(rampant lion)50 agm 1950 76mm Kvz 42S . The brass primer is stamped NZ 46S EVR 36/48 -fut- (rampant lion) . The price includes UK delivery and no licence is required to possess these inert rounds in the UK if retained as part of a collection or displays. Sn. 12085:5 £675