This is a near mint INERT, Unfired Russian 55mm S-5M Air To Ground fin stabilised rocket developed in the early 1950s and first introduced into service in April 1955. This rocket has the S-5M HE-FRAG (High Explosive- Fragmentation) projectile which produces 75 splinters on detonation and was launched using dedicated rocket (ORO-57, ORO- 57K, UB-16-57 and UB-32 pods) holding 4 – 32 rockets. These pods were fitted to standard bomb hardpoints. Aircraft using this rocket were the MiG-15bis, MiG-17, Su-25 and the Mil Mi 24 helicopter. This rocket retains all of its finish except for a slight wear mark on the black front centering band. The projectile is stencilled in black including S-5M over 3-77-406 over A-IX-2 over W-5MI. There is also a black square enclosing ET over M-16. It is also stamped in various places 3 KT 04 2DT. The rocket body is stencilled in black RSJ-G over 1-77-406 over 3-77-406. There are 2 small black stencils of KT over N-23 and one of KT over N-33. There are various stampings consisting of T D H 3 77 123 KT. The rear stabilising fins are kept retracted over the rocket venturi by a opaque transit sleeve and spring out when the sleeve is removed. The fins are stamped and stencilled. The venturi is stamped 3 77 173 KT over 02 10 . The electric firing plug exits the rear of the venturi. Price includes UK delivery. Sn O 954