This is a very good B.S.A. Standard No. 1 Model 177 calibre, under lever air rifle. Also known as the 'L' or Ladies/ Light model it measures 39 ½” overall with a 17" rifled barrel. It’s original wood stock has chequered ‘BSA’ panels at the pistol grip and has just the bumps and bruises to be expected with age and use. It has a ribbed butt with trap. One side of the stock has a stylised monogram which appears to be ‘BFA’, hand applied at some point in its life. The rifle has a blade fore sight and adjustable dial rear sight. The metal work is undamaged with original blue finish and is crisply stamped with the correct 'L' prefix serial number on the trigger block 'L35650' which dates it to 1929 (see page 27 of the Collectors Guide to Air Rifles By Hiller). The cylinder has faint electroplated BSA name and address. It loads and fires as it should with a strong spring action. Price includes UK delivery. AI 667