British Shooting is holding a talent identification day next...- Gunstar
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British Shooting is holding a talent identification day next month

Do you ever find yourself at the range, out in the field, on the clays, thinking ‘I’m actually quite good’ or ‘how will I ever get noticed by the right people?’. You’d be right in saying you’d have to know exactly where to look or be in the perfect place for someone of any importance to take notice of you. But what you might not realise is that this ‘place’ is a lot easier to get to than you’d think. British Shooting holds occasional ‘talent identification days’ where keen shooters can turn up, showcase their skills, learn a bit about the setup of the sport, and see if they’ve got what it takes. The next highly anticipated day is just around the corner on Saturday 16th February.


The day will give you a special chance to practice the authentic Olympic disciplines whilst being in a highly professional coaching atmosphere. British Shooting says that it’ll “allow you to see if you like what we do”. There’s no pressure to perform, you can just take the time to get used to feeling a little bit more ‘elite’. The British Shooting coaches will be at hand to give you advice, chat about all things shooting, whilst having a sneaky look at some of the country’s hidden talents. You might even get given a handy suggestion as to where you’d likely be placed on the BS Performance Pathway - could you be the next breakthrough star?


trap shooting


The event is being held at Fauxdegla Shooting Ground in Wrexham, and the rough timings for the day are 10 am - 4 pm, where you’ll start with a morning briefing before shooting for the rest of the day. It’ll only cost you £30 to cover the cost for clays, but you will need to come equipped with your own shotgun, cartridges and any other equipment you’d like. All you need to do to register your interest is to fill in the application form by following this link.


It would be great to see as many people as possible turn out - the future of this country’s shooting could be hiding amongst you!