Unveiling the Ultimate Luxury Hunting Experience at Finca La... by Archie Davis- Gunstar
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Unveiling the Ultimate Luxury Hunting Experience at Finca La Caminera Club de Campo

'Embarking on a journey to Finca La Caminera Club de Campo, as a writer for Gunstar, I was not merely visiting a luxurious country house hotel but stepping into a realm where tradition, passion, and nature blend seamlessly. Managed with profound dedication to hunting by Mr.Salvador Sallés, La Caminera retains its authentic character while offering the epitome of exclusive country house hospitality.


The Essence of La Caminera

The estate, a testament to the preservation of traditional Spanish hunting, spans a vast 1,000 hectares. It's a landscape where the rolling hills, adorned with scrub vegetation and dotted with holm and shrub oaks, merge into picturesque olive groves. This rich, varied topography, coupled with the mild climate and gentle winds of La Mancha, creates an ideal setting for partridge shooting.


A Hunter's Paradise

La Caminera's terrain, varying from flat areas at 550 metres above sea level to mountain ranges peaking at 800 metres, offers a diverse hunting experience. Ravines, watercourses with seasonal streams, and open plains cultivated with wheat and barley provide not just scenic beauty but a perfect habitat for the red-legged partridge. The estate’s dedicated team meticulously organises exclusive partridge shoots, ensuring each hunting day is exceptional and memorable.

The Rhythm of a Shoot Day at La Caminera

As dawn breaks over La Caminera, the day’s itinerary unfolds with a precision and elegance befitting the estate’s grandeur. The rhythm of a shoot day here is a well-orchestrated symphony of tradition, gastronomy, and leisure.

Morning: The Commencement of the Hunt

The day commences at 08:30 with a lavish buffet breakfast at the hotel. Here, amidst an array of meticulously prepared dishes, guests gather, fueling up for the day ahead with both sustenance and anticipation. The breakfast itself is an affair that mirrors the opulence of the estate, setting a tone of indulgence right from the morning.

As the clock strikes 09:30, the quintessential moment arrives – the drawing of pegs. This ceremony is not just a logistical step but a ritual that marks the beginning of the hunt. Guns are introduced to their loaders and secretarios, establishing a bond that is vital for the day’s success. It’s a moment that signifies teamwork and tradition, integral to the La Caminera experience.

The Drives: A Display of Skill and Sportsmanship

The morning progresses with three drives, each an exhibition of skill, strategy, and the art of shooting. The estate’s diverse terrain presents varying challenges, offering both the thrill of the sport and an appreciation for the beauty of the natural surroundings. Teams navigate the landscape, engaging in an age-old dance with the elusive red-legged partridges.A Deelightful intermission that lasts approximately 30 minutes, during which guests are treated to a delectable "served taco" experience. This pause allows everyone to rejuvenate before we seamlessly transition into another two or three exhilarating drives.



Lunch: A Gastronomic Interlude

After the morning shoot, we transition to an elegant tent nestled in the picturesque countryside of the field for a sumptuous lunch. Prepared by the hotel's award-winning chefs, this midday feast becomes a gastronomic event that combines the beauty of the outdoors with culinary excellence. It's not just a brief pause in the day's activities; it's a seamlessly integrated part of the overall experience, providing a moment of relaxation and the opportunity to savor exquisite culinary creations under the expansive blue skies of La Mancha.

Afternoon: The Culmination of the Hunt

The afternoon sees one or two additional drives, each adding to the day’s collection of memories and experiences. The camaraderie among the teams strengthens as they traverse the estate, with each drive adding a new chapter to the day’s adventure.


Evening: Relaxation and Fine Dining

Post-hunt, the atmosphere shifts from the exhilaration of the field to the serene luxury of the hotel. Teams retire to the private Hunters Lounge, a space dedicated to reflection and relaxation. Here, stories of the day’s triumphs and challenges are shared, creating bonds that transcend the hunt.

As evening falls, guests are welcomed at Retama, the estate’s Michelin-starred restaurant. Dinner here is not just a meal; it’s a celebration of the day’s achievements, served in an ambiance of refined elegance. Each dish is a testament to the culinary prowess of La Caminera’s chefs, offering a perfect conclusion to a day steeped in tradition and luxury.

The Country House Hotel Experience

Throughout its evolution, La Caminera has seamlessly integrated the comforts and exclusivity of its country house hotel with the heritage of Spanish hunting. The hotel, a symbol of understated luxury, offers guests a chance to immerse themselves in the tranquillity of rural Spain while enjoying the highest standards of hospitality.


Culinary Delights and Leisure

Dining at La Caminera is an experience in itself, particularly at Retama, the estate's Michelin-starred restaurant. Meals here are a celebration of local produce, crafted with attention to detail and served amidst elegant surroundings. The estate also offers a range of leisure activities, allowing guests to unwind and enjoy the serene beauty of La Mancha.


As I concluded my visit to Finca La Caminera Club de Campo, it was clear that this was not just a destination but a bastion of a rich hunting legacy. The estate, under the passionate stewardship of Salvador Sallés Sabater, stands as a beacon for those seeking an authentic, luxurious hunting experience in the heart of Spain's majestic landscapes. For Gunstar followers, La Caminera offers a unique blend of tradition, nature, and luxury, making it a must-visit destination for those who cherish the finer things in life.'


Archie Davis
Gunstar Chief Editor
Published on 17-01-2024
Archie has been on the management team at Gunstar UK since June 2018, and has since then been working to integrate the business with the shooting community. A skilled writer and self-taught country enthusiast, Archie has conducted numerous investigations into many of the industries unanswered questions to try and unify shooters all in one place; the Gunstar blog.