INERT DEACTIVATED. This is a near mint Russian 73mm SPG-9 recoilless, rocket assisted, fin stabilised practice round complete with its launching cartridge. This was used in a vehicle mounted weapon in the BMP-1 amphibious infantry armoured vehicle. The red painted projectile retains most of its original finish and black stencilling on its steel body including PM3-7-70 nr-9 56-165-70 MAKET PM3-7-70 P MAKET. The alloy nose fuse plug fitted to the top of the round. The alloy fin stabilised lower part of the round consists of six flip out alloy fins with various part numbers on them and a black stencil 44. The fins are kept retained by a black steel coil wire the fin swivel pins are centre marked to retain them and have a red sealant. There is a small amount of damage to the top of the round consistent of it being hit with a small bullet in storage. No licence is required to possess this round in the UK if retained as part of a collection or display. Price includes UK delivery. O 1464